Kindergarten School Supplies 2024-2025
These items do not need to be labelled, as they will be shared within the class:
• 1 bottle of white glue
• 2 large glue sticks
• 1 pack of washable markers (broad line)
• 1 pack of dry erase markers
• 1 box of crayons
• 1 pair of scissors
• 2 containers of play dough
• 1 coil notebook (Hilroy 200 pages)
• 2 boxes of Kleenex
• 1 box of Ziplock bags (sandwich or freezer size)
• 1 container of disinfecting/ Lysol wipes Please label the following items with your child’s name:
• 1 backpack - no mini backpacks please! (large enough to fit your child’s lunch, water bottle and communication folder)
• 1 pair of indoor shoes - Velcro or slip on (no laces unless child can do it independently!!)
• A change of clothes (each item labelled) in a large Ziplock bag to be left in your child’s locker.
• A leak/spill proof water bottle filled each day. • Lunch kit if staying for lunch.